Gender Analysis Victorian State Budget 2024-25- WHSN & GEN VIC

Published: May 21, 2024

Gender Equality

The Victorian Women's Health Services Network (WHSN) and Gender Equity Victoria (GEN VIC) have collaborated to produce a comprehensive gender analysis of the Victorian State Budget for 2024-25. As leading organisations dedicated to advancing the health, wellbeing, and equality of all Victorian women, this report examines the budget through an intersectional gender lens, assessing its potential impact on creating a safer, healthier, and more equitable future for all Victorians.

This groundbreaking analysis highlights the positive steps taken by the Victorian Government in addressing gender inequalities, particularly in areas such as women's safety, health, and the prevention of family violence. The report commends the government's commitment to gender responsive budgeting, which has now been codified into law, marking a significant milestone in Victoria's journey towards gender equality.

However, the analysis also reveals areas where sustained, long-term investment is needed to address the root causes of gender inequality. The report provides a set of recommendations advocating for dismantling discrimination, supporting diverse family structures, addressing the gender pay gap, investing in secure and accessible housing for women, recognizing the value of care work, promoting diversity in leadership positions, and implementing targeted actions to eradicate the gender pay gap, among other critical issues.

By examining budgetary decisions through an intersectional gender lens, this report serves as a vital tool in dissecting government gender equality investments and ensuring that Victoria continues to progress towards a future where every individual, regardless of their gender, can thrive. The WHSN and GEN VIC are committed to working collaboratively with the Victorian Government and all stakeholders to action the recommendations put forward in this report, with the aim of building a more inclusive and equitable society for all Victorians.

About the Victorian Women's Health Services Network:

The Victorian Women's Health Services Network is a collective of 12 state government-funded women's health services, each a centre of excellence in gendered health promotion, primary prevention, and gender equity. Together they work collaboratively for a fairer, safer, and healthier Victoria.

About Gender Equality Victoria:

Gender Equality Victoria is an independent member-based organisation representing over 40 entities across Victoria dedicated to achieving intersectional gender equality. GEN VIC provides support to a growing gender equity movement across industries, communities and sectors to create a gender equal society where all people can thrive.


To read the full analysis- Click Here