Our People

We are a passionate team with a proud history of collaboration and achievement.

Jodie Hill

Chief Executive Officer

ceo@womenshealthbsw.org.au 03 5500 5490

Jacinta Lenehan

Team Leader- Sexual and Reproductive Health

jlenehan@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0499 208 966

Dr. Becky Nevin

Team Leader- Prevention of violence Against Women

bnevin@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0499 598 118

Rochelle Winnen

Team Leader- Gender Equity

rwinnen@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0417 297 058

Sarah Wood

Senior Advisor- Research, Data and Evaluation

swood@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0499 326 995

Bec Janes

Operations Coordinator

bjanes@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0418 141 241

Hannah Colegrave

Regional Facilitator- Gender Equity/ Prevention of Violence Against Women

hcolegrave@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0499 700 054

Lovishniakri Sekaran

Regional Facilitator: Gender Equality

lsekaran@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0499 219 020

Alice Henderson

Regional Facilitator- Prevention of Violence Against Women

ahenderson@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0438 010 475

Leanne Dix

Executive Support

ceo-office@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0499 509 537

Kathy Vallay

Project Worker, Resource Development

kvallay@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0417 229 622

Angela Griffin

Administration Support Officer

agriffin@womenshealthbsw.org.au 0418 914 978

Our Board

WHWBSW is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation, run by voluntary Board. The Board is responsible for oversight of the financial and strategic direction of the organisation.

As an Incorporated entity, we are headed by a Board whose members serve on a voluntary basis. The Board plays a critical role in governance, promoting the health of the organisation and ensuring diligent oversight of business and compliance performance at a strategic level.


To read our Constitution- Click Here

For expressions of interest in becoming a member of Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West

Enquire here



Joanne McBain

Chair ( Elected 2022)

Jennifer Falco

Board Member and Chair of the Finance Audit and Risk Comittee ( Elected 2022)

Andrea deSilva

Deputy Chair ( Elected 2022)

Alison Kemp

Board Member ( Elected 2022)

Terri Osburn

Board Member ( Elected 2022)

Alice Bennett

Board Member ( Elected 2023)

Stephanie Gunn

Board Member ( Elected 2023)

Interested in a career with us?

Join the leading organisation for gender equity in the Barwon South West region.